Keynote Speakers
Towards Self-Driving Cars
Sebastian Thrun, Google
Abstract: Imagine if your car could drive itself. Get in,
push a button, and everything else is done by your car. This presentation
will introduce you to the fascinating world of self-driving cars. Google has
developed a fleet of modified Priuses that can drive themselves on public roads
in California. In the past months, Google's cars have driven over 150,000
miles, in places like downtown San Francisco, LA, and near Lake Tahoe. While
this technology is still in the research stage, it may one day transform
society, leading to better and safer modes of transportation.
Bio: Sebastian Thrun is a Google Fellow, a member of the
National Academy of Engineering and the German Academy of Sciences, and a
Stanford Professor of Computer Science. Fast Magazine selected him as the
fifth most creative person in business, the UK Telegraph included him in
their list of 100 living geniuses, and Popular Science included him in their
2005 list of Brilliant Ten. His self-driving car was named one of the 50 best
inventions of 2010 by Time Magazine, and it was awarded a Crunchy by TechCrunch
in 2011. Thrun led the team that won the DARPA Grand Challenge, against more
than 190 competitors.
What if your contact lens could show you images?
Babak A. Parviz, University of Washington
Abstract: Contact lenses provide a unique interface with the
human body. Millions of people wear contact lenses in the United States
everyday and for most of them, wearing these polymer objects is comfortable
enough that throughout the day, they forget this piece is on their eye surface.
The research group at the University of Washington has been working on integrating
micron-scale and nano-scale devices on contact lenses in the past few years.
The two main application areas are integrating a wireless display on a contact
lens to enable the user to see computer generated graphics and using contact
lenses with embedded biosensors for continuous monitoring of human health.
This talk provides a brief overview of the progress made to this date towards
designing and building such contact lenses.
Bio: Babak Parviz is the Gerald McMorrow Associate professor
of innovation at the University of Washington. He received his undergraduate
degrees in electrical engineering and literature and his graduate degrees in
physics and electrical engineering. He was a device designer and product
manager in a photonics start-up and completed his postdoctoral fellowship in
chemistry and chemical biology before joining the University of Washington
in 2003. He is the recipient of a number of awards including MIT TR35 and NSF
CAREER award. His work has been put on display at the London Museum of Science
and has been reported on widely globally. His main areas of research are
microtechnology, nanotechnology, and bionanotechnology.
Pervasive Sessions
Pervasive: Practices with Smartphones
Session Chair : Rene Mayrhofer
(Video) GymSkill: Mobile Exercise Skill Assessment to Support Personal Health and Fitness
Andreas Möller, Johannes Scherr, Luis Roalter, Stefan Diewald, Matthias Kranz, Nils Hammerla, Thomas Ploetz, Patrick Olivier
(Video) Activity Recognition on Mobile Phones - Why do we need it and how can it be done?
Matthias Budde, Martin Berchtold, Michael Beigl
Planning, Apps, and the High-end Smartphone: Exploring the Landscape of Modern Cross-device Reaccess
Elizabeth Bales, Timothy Sohn, Vidya Setlur
Understanding Human-Smartphone Concerns: A Study of Battery Life
Denzil Ferreira, Anind K. Dey, Vassilis Kostakos
Pervasive: Sensing at Home, Sensing at Work
Session Chair : Judy Kay
(Video) A Framework for Opportunistic Context and Activity Recognition
Gerold Hoelzl, Marc Kurz, Alois Ferscha, Daniel Roggen, Alberto Calatroni, Gerhard Troester, Ricardo Chavarriaga, Jose del R. Millan, Hesam Sagha, Paul Lukowicz
(Video) Cooperative Situation Awareness for a Railway Collision Avoidance System (RCAS)
Thomas Strang, Andreas Lehner, Cristina Rico Garcia, Oliver Heirich, Anja Grosch
Monitoring Residential Noise for Prospective Home Owners and Renters
Thomas Zimmerman Christine Robson
A Longitudinal Study of Pressure Sensing to Infer Real-World Water Usage Events in the Home
Jon Froehlich, Eric Larson, Elliot Saba, Tim Campbell, Les Atlas, James Fogarty, Shwetak Patel
Exploring the Design Space for Situated Glyphs to Support Dynamic Work Environments
Fahim Kawsar, Jo Vermeulen, Kevin Smith, Kris Luyten, Gerd Kortuem
Pervasive: Predicting the Future
Session Chair : Marc Langheinrich
(Video) SmartFactory - Towards a Factory-of-Things
Detlef Zuehlke, Ruediger Dabelow
(Video) MobiDics - Improving University Education With A Mobile Didactics Toolbox
Andreas Möller, Angelika Thielsch, Luis Roalter, Stefan Diewald, Andreas Hendrich, Barbara Meyer, Matthias Kranz
Learning Time-Based Presence Probabilities
John Krumm, A.J. Bernheim Brush
n-gram Geo-Trace Modeling
Senaka Buthpitiya, Ying Zhang, Anind K. Dey, Martin Griss
Pervasive: Location Sensing
Session Chair : John Krumm
(Video) Mobile Context-based Ride Sharing
Alireza Sahami,Thomas Kubtiza, Florian Alt, Philipp Tarasiewicz, Andreas Bungert, Vladimir Minakov, Albrecht Schmidt
Autonomous Construction of a WiFi Access Point Map Using Multidimensional Scaling
Jahyoung Koo, Hojung Cha
Identifying Important Places in Peoples Lives from Cellular Network Data
Sibren Isaacman, Richard Becker, Ramón Cáceres, Stephen Kobourov, Margaret Martonosi, James Rowland, Alexander Varshavsky
NextPlace: A Spatio-Temporal Prediction Framework for Pervasive Systems
Salvatore Scellato, Mirco Musolesi, Cecilia Mascolo, Vito Latora, Andrew T. Campbell
Pervasive: Augmenting Mobile Phone Use
Session Chair : Tico Ballagas
Using Decision-Theoretic Experience Sampling to Build Personalized Mobile Phone Interruption Models
Stephanie Rosenthal, Anind K. Dey, Manuela Veloso
SpeakerSense: Energy Efficient Unobtrusive Speaker Identification on MobilePhones
Hong Lu, A.J. Bernheim Brush, Bodhi Priyantha, Amy K. Karlson, Jie Liu
Text Text Revolution: A Game that Improves Text Entry on Mobile Touchscreen Keyboards
Dmitry Rudchenko, Tim Paek, Eric Badger
Pervasive: Pervasive Computing in The Public Arena
Session Chair : Anind Dey
(Video) Wearable MC System
Tomonari Okada, Tetsuya Yamamoto, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto
Pervasive Sensing to Model Political Opinions in Face-to-Face Networks
Anmol Madan, Katayoun Farrahi, Daniel Gatica-Perez, Alex (Sandy) Pentland
Lessons from Touring a Location-Based Experience
Leif Oppermann, Martin Flintham, Stuart Reeves, Steve Benford, Chris Greenhalgh, Joe Marshall, Matt Adams, Ju Row Farr, Nick Tandavanitj
Pervasive: Public Displays
Session Chair : Trevor Pering
(Video) A Performer Support System for Interactive Performances Using Projector
Jun Ikeda, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto
Hybrid prototyping by using virtual and miniature simulation for designing spatial interactive information systems
Yasuto Nakanishi, Koji Sekiguchi, Takuro Ohmori, Soh kitahara, Daisuke Akatsuka
Designing Shared Public Display Networks Implications from Todays Paper-Based Notice Areas
Florian Alt, Nemanja Memarovic, Ivan Elhart, Dominik Bial, Albrecht Schmidt, Marc Langheinrich, Gunnar Harboe, Elaine Huang, Marcello P. Scipioni
Pervasive: Hands on with Sensing
Session Chair : A.J. Brush
(Video) SenseWaves: Radiowaves for context recognition
Markus Scholz, Stefan Sigg, Gerrit Bagschik, Toni Guenther, Georg von Zengen, Dimana Shishkova, Yusheng Ji, Michael Beigl
(Video) Towards a Rowing Technique Evaluation Based on Oar Orientation
Franz Gravenhorst, Bernd Tessendorf, Gerhard Tröster
Recognizing the Use of Portable Electrical Devices with Hand-worn Magnetic Sensors
Takuya Maekawa, Yasue Kishino, Yasushi Sakurai, Takayuki Suyama
3D Gesture Recognition: An Evaluation of User and System Performance
Michael Wright, Chun-Jung Lin, Eamonn O'Neill, Darren Cosker, Peter Johnson
Pervasive: Sensing on the Body
Session Chair : Kurt Partridge
(Video) The emotional computer
Peter Robinson
Recognition of Hearing Needs from Body and Eye Movements to Improve Hearing Instruments
Bernd Tessendorf, Andreas Bulling, Daniel Roggen, Thomas Stiefmeier, Manuela Feilner, Peter Derleth, Gerhard Tröster
Recognizing whether sensors are on the same body
Cory Cornelius, David Kotz
Sensing and Classifying Impairments of GPS Reception on Mobile Devices
Henrik Blunck, Mikkel Baun Kjærgaard, Thomas Skjødeberg Toftegaard
Pervasive Demos
Paraimpu: a Social Tool for the Web of Things
Antonio Pintus, Davide Carboni, Andrea Piras
LunchCommunicator: Communication Support System using a Lunchbox
Naoko Kotani, Koji Tsukada, Keita Watanabe, Itiro Siio
Clever Shopper: Supporting In-Store Decision-making
Preethi Srinivas, Haidan Huang, Afarin Pirzadeh, Davide Bolchini
PowerFlower: a low-level electrical energy consumption feedback ambient display
Adrian Ocneanu, Mary Barreto, Luis Gomes, Nuno Nunes
Cookmark Collaborative Cooking Tool
Carol Chen, Janani Vasudev, Jinyoung Baik
Program Your Reality with dinam-mite
Dawud Gordon, Martin Alexander Neumann, Michael Beigl
A Miniaturized Display Network for Situated Glyphs
Gerd Kortuem, Fahim Kawsar, Phil Scholl, Michael Beigl, Adalberto Simeone, Kevin Smith
Participatory noise mapping
Ellie D'Hondt, Matthias Stevens
GuideCam: A Digital Camera with Picture Spot Finder
Chiho Watanabe, Koji Tsukada, Takayuki Goto, Itiro Siio
Pervasive Cameras: Making Sense of Many Angles using Radial Basis Function Interpolation and Salients Analysis
Yotam Mann, Adrian Freed
Mobile NFC Games: New Techniques and Applications
Luis Sarmenta
Place Sticker: Energy Harvesting Approach for Low Cost Wi-Fi AP Positioning Infrastructure
Nobuhiko Nishio, Ryuta Oka, Tran Xuan Duc, Ismail Arai
Pervasive Posters
Digifieds: Evaluating Suitable Interaction Techniques for Shared Public Notice Areas
Florian Alt, Dominik Bial, Thomas Kubitza, Alireza Sahami Shirazi, Markus Ortel, Björn Zurmaar, Firas Zaidan, Tim Lewen, Albrecht Schmidt
Particle filtering on GPU for indoor pedestrian localisation
Agata Brajdic, Robert Harle
paper evalution) AwareHanger: Context-aware hanger for detecting the status of laundry
Nanami Tajima, Koji Tsukada, Itiro Siio
HeatProbe: a Thermal-based Power Meter System for Tracking Per-user Power Consumption
Nan-Chen Chen, Bo-Jhang Ho, Hsin-Liu Kao, Chuang-Wen You, Hao-Hua Chu, Ming-Syan Chen
automated evalution) Cheers!: Sharing Social TV Experiences and Interactions Using Mobile Phones
Jee Yeon Hwang, Henry Holtzman
Automatic poster evaluation
Floris van Liere, Oliver Amft
Chasing the Holy Grail of Mobile Advertising: An Interaction Framework for a User-Centered Mobile Marketing
Felix Portnoy
ISWC Sessions
ISWC: Users
Session Chair : Bruce Thomas
AirTouch: Synchronizing in-air hand gesture and on-body tactile feedback to augment mobile gesture interaction
Seungyon Claire Lee, BoHao Li, Thad Starner
A Method of Measuring Garment Movement for Wearable Sensing
Lucy Dunne, Guido Gioberto, Helen Koo
How should a Wearable Rowing Trainer look like? A User Study
Tobias Franke, Christian Pieringer, Paul Lukowicz
ISWC: Smartphones as Wearables
Session Chair : Thad Starner
GroupUs: Smartphone Proximity Data and Human Interaction Type Mining
Trinh Minh Tri Do, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Who's Who with Big-Five: Analyzing and Classifying Personality Traits with Smartphones
Gokul Chittaranjan, Jan Blom, Daniel Gatica-Perez
Collaborative PDR Localisation with Mobile Phones
Kamil Kloch, Paul Lukowicz, Carl Fischer
ISWC: Novel Sensing
Session Chair : Tom Martin
South by South-East or sitting at the desk. Can orientation be a place?
Ulf Blanke, Robert Rehner, Bernt Schiele
A Context Aware System Based on Scent
Yasuki Kobayashi, Tsutomu Terada, Masahiko Tsukamoto
Sensing Dance Engagement for Collaborative Music Control
Michael Kuhn, Martin Wirz, Matthias Flückiger, Roger Wattenhofer, Gerhard Troster
Evaluating Gesture Recognition by Multiple-Sensor-Containing Mobile Devices
Kazuya Murao, Tsutomu Terada, Ai Yano, Ryuichi Matsukura
(Video)PowerSaver - Activity-Based Implicit Energy Management
A. Ferscha, J. Erhart, P. Halbmayer, M. Matscheko, M. Wirthig, S. Eisl, N. Hölzl, A. Abart, J. Kaltenleithner, H. Zeinhofer, W. Zandomeneghi
ISWC: Education
Session Chair : Oliver Amft
An interdisciplinary undergraduate design course for wearable and pervasive computing products
Thomas Martin, Kahyun Kim, Jason Forsyth, Lisa McNair, Eloise Coupey, Ed Dorsa
Panel on Education and Wearable Computing
Mark Smith, Clint Zeagler, Tom Martin, Daniel P. Siewiorek
ISWC: Recognition
Session Chair : Dan Siewiorek
Unsupervised adaptation to on-body sensor displacement in acceleration-based activity recognition
Hamidreza Bayati, José del R. Millán, Ricardo Chavarriaga
What can an arm holster worn smart phone do for activity recognition?
Michael Muehlbauer, Gernot Bahle, Paul Lukowicz
Self-taught learning for activity spotting in on-body motion sensor data
Oliver Amft
ISWC: Activity
Session Chair : Paul Lukowitz
Unsupervised Activity Recognition with User's Physical Characteristics Data
Takuya Maekawa, Shinji Watanabe
A Large Scale Gathering System for Activity Data with Mobile Sensors
Yuichi Hattori, Sozo Inoue, Go Hirakawa
What do sensors know about your running performance?
Christina Strohrmann, Holger Harms, Gerhard Troester
ISWC Design Exhibition
Photonic Bike Clothing I - For Urban Biker
Sunhee Lee, Donghea Lee
Photonic Bike Clothing II - For Lux Biker
Sunhee Lee, Hyejin Bae
The Printing Dress: You are what you Tweet
Sheridan Martin Small, Asta Roseway
(1st Overall, 1st Concept, 3rd Execution)
Talk to the Hand
Halley P Profita, Scott Gilliland
(2nd Overall, 2nd Concept)
To Answer or Not to Answer Scarf
Halley P Profita, Scott Gilliland
Color It Your Dress with Touch-sensitive Fiber-Optics and Remote-Controlled LEDs : The Coloring Dress I and II
Helen Koo
(2nd Execution)
CHAT: Cetacean Hearing Augmentation & Telemetry
Stewart Butler, James McCarty, Scott Oliveria, Ryan Hanser, Blake Hinton, Thad Starner, Denise Herzing
MP3 Fedora
Jonathan Spoerke, David Quigley, John Bartz, Chris Zajac
Ping: A Social Networking Garment
Jennifer Darmor, Jesse Graupmann, Tanya Min Jee Ellis
(2nd Concept)
Zip: Control Your Music
Jennifer Darmor, Lori Wahl
(3rd Overall, 1st Execution)
Soft Glow
Elizabeth Hillmann
Combining Opposites: Wood Dress with Light Up Shawl
Dziyana Zhyhar
SENSOREE Therapeutic
Kristin Neidlinger, Wendy Ju
(2nd Concept)
ISWC Demos
Textile Interface: Embroidered Jog-Wheel
Clint Zeagler, Scott Gilliland, Halley Profita, Thad Starner
An RFID-Based Smart Wardrobe Reminder System
Lucy E. Dunne, Vivian Zhang, Helen Koo, Allison Danzl, Loren Terveen
ISWC Posters
Toward Record of Scores and Stats: Count of the Stroke Number Using a Mobile Phone Accelerometer
Shigeki Muramatsu, Takafumi Watanabe, Daisuke Kamisaka, Arei Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Takeshi Iwamoto
Glove-Based Sensor Support for Dynamic Tangible Buttons in Spatial Augmented Reality Design Environments
Bruce Thomas, Mark Smith, Tim Simon, Jun Park, Joonsun Park, Stewart Von Itzstein, Ross Smith
Interfacing Mobile Devices with Electronic Textiles using Spatial Information
Bae Sun Kim, Hee Sook Shin, Yong Ki Son, Il-Yeon Cho, Hyung Sun Lee
GSR Sock: A New e-Textile Sensor Prototype
Jennifer Healey
Foot Menu: using heel rotation information for menu selection
Kang Zhong, Feng Tian, Hongan Wang
Fabrics Capable of Capacitive Energy Storage
Kristy Jost, Carlos Perez, John McDonough, Volker Presser, Genevieve Dion, Yury Gogotsi
Detecting Posture Mirroring in Social Interactions with Wearable Sensors
Sebastian Feese, Bert Arnrich, Gerhard Troster, Betholt Meyer, Klaus Jonas
Evaluating Effect of Concreteness in Instructions for Gesture Recognition
Kazuya Murao, Tsutomu Terada
Indoor-Outdoor Navigation System for Visually-Impaired Pedestrians: Preliminary Evaluation of Position Measurement and Obstacle
Takeshi Kurata, Masakatsu Kourogi, Tomoya Ishikawa, Yoshinari Kameda, Kyota Aoki, Jun Ishikawa
Joint Doctoral Consortium
Designing for Meaningful Public Interactive Environments
Peter van Waart
Wearable Computing In Factory Environment
Patrick Zschaler
Instrumented Tools as Ubiquitous Interfaces
Manish Parekh
Combining Unsupervised Learning and Generative Models for Activity Recognition with Wearable Sensors
Albert Hein
Goal Oriented Opportunistic Sensing
Gerold Hoelzl
Sensors meet Social: Data in a Connected World
Elizabeth Bales
Auditory Scene Analysis for Activity-Aware Computing Using Audio Features as Text Cues
Jessica Beltrán-Márquez
A Sustainable Model for Smart Clothing Design
Helen Koo