Call for Videos

Videos are an effective tool to showcase research results, to document experiments and datasets, to inspire other researchers, and to educate the general public about the latest developments in Pervasive Computing.

With the video submissions, Pervasive 2012 seeks contributions within (but not limited to) these topics:

The conference particularly values practical experience with design, deployment and use of pervasive systems and applications, and investigation of exciting and inspiring ideas and technologies.

Note that a video can be submitted as a supplement to a paper (as submitted in the Paper or Notes track) or as a standalone contribution. Each research video must be accompanied by a short paper describing the key research contribution. The paper should be written in a way that it can be understood by readers who have not or will not see the video.

Submission and Review Process

To be accepted, a video must be of an appropriate length for the content. We recommend videos to be no longer than 8 minutes.

It must contain no material subject to copyright (i.e., that the authors cannot grant Pervasive 2012 the right to redistribute freely), and must be easily comprehensible to English speakers.

An accepted video must be standalone, i.e., the video itself (with audio soundtrack or subtitles) must describe the work sufficiently, without requiring the viewer to read the abstract. Videos will be judged primarily on their communication of interesting research content (assuming appropriate technical quality).

Authors must submit a url to the video (not the video itself!) and a PDF file of the accompanying short paper with the PCS submission system. All video submissions will be handled using this electronic submission system. Videos need to be submitted in mpeg (MPEG1/2) or AVI (MPEG-4) as PAL or NTSC. The accompanying paper must be no longer than 4 pages in LNCS Format.


Accepted videos will be shown at Pervasive 2012 within dedicated video sessions. We request one of the authors to be present when the video is projected.

Accepted contributions (videos and accompanying short papers) will be published in the Pervasive Adjunct Proceedings on a USB stick. The copyright for videos remains with the authors. If authors have any queries regarding potential submissions, contact the video chair.

Critical Dates

Video Chairs

Michael Schmitz, DFKI and Saarland University, Germany
Jin Nakazawa, Keio University, Japan


Microsoft Research Nokia SiDE Culture Lab
Intel WSAQualcomm Computing Community Consortium