The preliminary Pervasive 2012 program is detailed below. This will be updated as new material is added to the schedule. ISWC sessions will run concurrently and delegates will be able to attend either session — please register for the conference you wish to primarily attend.
Full paper talks should be 20 minutes long, plus 10 minutes for questions. Short paper talks should be 10 minutes long, plus 5 minutes for questions.
Registration will be open at 8am daily.
Monday and Tuesday
Monday 18th June | Tuesday 19th June |
Workshops Web of Things Hackathon |
Workshops Doctoral Consortium |
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday
Time | Wednesday 20th June | Thursday 21st June | Friday 22nd June |
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM |
Opening Session Keynote: Sanjiv Nanda |
HCI | Privacy |
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM |
Break | ||
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM |
Activity Capturing | Development Tools and Devices | Public Displays and Services |
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM |
Lunch | Lunch Town Hall Meeting |
Lunch |
2:00 PM - 3:30 PM |
Urban Mobility and Computing | Indoor Location and Positioning | Keynote: Elias Siores Closing Session |
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM | Break | ||
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM |
Home and Energy | Social Computing and Games | |
Evening | Reception and Demos | Poster Session Conference Dinner |
Sanjiv Nanda

Putting contextual intelligence in the hands of the average end user requires innovations in many fields beyond traditional sense making or contextual awareness. At one level, this includes transforming data into semantically relevant information and actions with meaningful accuracy while being unobtrusive to the user - something that has already been the focus of traditional contextual intelligence research. We believe that advances in low power implementation and autonomous peer to peer networking will also enable contextual intelligence. Challenges such as low-power, always-on sensing, seamless networking, and pervasive information exchange are key steps on the path to transform contextual intelligence from labs to reality. At Qualcomm, we are working on creating an ecosystem to enable truly information-rich, low-power, pervasive contextual intelligence. This keynote will highlight how the confluence of continuous sensing, smart spaces, and collaborative data brings contextual intelligence to the real world.
Sanjiv Nanda is a vice president of engineering in Qualcomm Research and oversees the Systems Engineering department. He currently leads Qualcomm's Aware Project, an initiative that will enable the Company's vision of context-aware personal devices by bringing together research in machine learning and artificial intelligence with advances in resource-efficient implementation.
Elias Siores

Smart Materials in Energy Conversion for Technical Textile Systems and Devices
Smart materials are capable of sensing the environment within which they are functioning and responding to a stimulus from that environment. Numerous applications have started to emerge and are increasingly finding their way from the laboratory to the commercial world. The research and development work undertaken in the area of smart materials for applications in technical textile systems and devices, especially wearables, are explained and discussed. Systems and devices based on energy conversion such as piezoelectric, photovoltaic and electrorheological as well as passive microwaves are explored for potential industry applications ranging from renewable energy (micropower) by scavenging energy from human motion and the elements (wind, rain, waves and tides), to vehicle and personal protection, healthcare (controlled drug release and and biomedical (tremor suppression, early diagnosis of breast cancer and carotid evaluation). The incorporation of such smart materials into flexible fiber structures and systems integration on wearables is also outlined along with the potential to apply the emerging technologies in other areas.
Prof. Elias Siores is the Provost and Director of Research and Innovation at The University of Bolton. His recent R&D work focuses on Smart / Functional Materials and Systems development. In this area, he has developed Electromagnetic, Electrorheological, Photovoltaic and Piezoelectric Smart Materials for applications in Micro-Power Re-generators (Energy Conversion Systems) and Medical, Health Care and Wearable Devices, both sensing and actuation.
Activity Capturing
Personalized Driving Behavior Monitoring and Analysis for Emerging Hybrid Vehicles (Paper)
Kun Li, Man Lu, Fenglong Lu, Qin Lv, Li Shang, Dragan Maksimovic
User driving behavior, which varies from person to person, can significantly affect electric-drive vehicle operation and the corresponding energy and environmental impacts. This paper presents a personalized driving behavior monitoring and analysis system for emerging hybrid vehicles. We propose phone-based multi-modality sensing that captures precise driver—vehicle information through denoise, calibration, synchronization, and disorientation compensation.
Mimic Sensors: Battery-shaped Sensor Node for Detecting Electrical Events of Handheld Devices (Paper)
Takuya Maekawa, Yasue Kishino, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Yasushi Sakurai
We propose and implement a battery-shaped sensor node that can monitor the use of an electrical device into which it is inserted by sensing the electrical current passing through the device. We also propose a method that automatically identifies into which electrical device the node is inserted and recognizes electrical events related to the device by analyzing the sensor data.
Leveraging Children's Behavioral Distribution and Singularities in New Interactive Environments: Study in Kindergarten Field Trips (Paper)
Inseok Hwang, Hyukjae Jang, Taiwoo Park, Aram Choi, Youngki Lee, Chanyou Hwang, Yanggui Choi, Lama Nachman, Junehwa Song
We explore the collective behaviors of a group of children by pervasive technology, and its assistive potentials for human experts in the child education. We deliver the design and practices for behavioral monitoring in field trips. We deploy our design on multiple field trips and deliver rich benefits in terms of extending the teachers' awareness on children's field trip behaviors.
Urban Mobility and Computing
Urban Traffic Modelling and Prediction using Large Scale Taxi GPS Traces (Paper)
Pablo Castro, Daqing Zhang, Shijian Li
In this paper, we propose a method to construct a predictive model of traffic density based on digital traces produced by GPS-equipped taxis; we further propose as a novel method for automatically determining the capacity of each road segment in a road network. We demonstrate our methods' outstanding performance on a large database of GPS traces.
A Unified Framework for Modeling and Predicting Going-out Behavior (Paper)
Shoji Tominaga, Masamichi Shimosaka, Rui Fukui, Tomomasa Sato
A non-parametric Bayesian clustering method to extract one's own rhythm of the daily going-out behavior and a prediction method of one's future presence using the extracted models are proposed in this contribution. Experimental results with data of 6 subjects, total 827 days show that our method copes with the complexity of patterns and flexibly adapts to unknown observation.
The Hidden Image of the City: Sensing Community Well-Being from Urban Mobility (Note)
Neal Lathia, Daniele Quercia, Jon Crowcroft
Historically, researchers have established a link between well-being and visibility of city neighbourhoods. We propose a method to perform these studies with pervasive technology that is easily implemented and scaled. We test whether urban mobility is a viable proxy for the visibility of city communities by examining the correlation between London's public transport flows and census-based indices of the well-being.
Scalable Mining of Common Routes in Mobile Communication Network Traffic Data (Note)
Olof Görnerup
A method for inferring common routes from cellular network data is presented. Besides providing mobility information, the method enables coarse-graining and anonymisation by mapping individual sequences onto common routes. Trajectories are represented by Cell ID sequences that are grouped using locality-sensitive hashing and graph clustering; an approach that is demonstrated to be scalable and accurate using GPS tagged data.
Home and Energy
Accounting for Energy-Reliant Services within Everyday Life at Home (Paper)
Oliver Bates, Adrian K. Clear, Adrian Friday, Mike Hazas, Janine Morley
Thirty-one participants, four flats, twenty days. 2.2 megawatt-hours. Lots of lighting, cooking, and information technology. Come find out how we connected energy to everyday life at home.
Smart Blueprints: Automatically Generated Maps of Homes and the Devices Within Them (Paper)
Jiakang Lu, Kamin Whitehouse
Off-the-shelf home automation technology is making it easier than ever for people to convert their own homes into "smart homes". However, manual configuration is tedious and error-prone. In this paper, we present a system called Smart Blueprints that automatically generates a map of the home and the devices within it by inferring the floor plan from the smart home sensors.
Hacking the Natural Habitat: An In-the-wild Study of Smart Homes, Their Development, and the People Who Live in Them (Paper)
Sarah Mennicken, Elaine M. Huang
We conducted a qualitative study with smart home inhabitants and professionals involved in the process of making homes "smart" in order to understand effects of such technologies on everyday life. We identified motivations for bringing smart technology into homes, explored the varied roles of inhabitants, as well as several challenges and benefits that arise while living in a smart home.
The Design of a Segway AR-Tactile Navigation System (Paper)
Ming Li, Lars Mahnkopf, Leif Kobbelt
We propose a AR-Tactile navigation system for the Segway. The visual route information is presented in an Augmented Reality interface while turning instructions are delivered via vibro-tactile patterns. We evaluate the system in the real traffic. Compared to the traditional vehicle navigator, the experiment results show our system reduces the Segway users' cognitive workload and improves their driving performance.
Route Guidance Modality for Elder Driver Navigation (Paper)
SeungJun Kim, Jin-Hyuk Hong, Kevin Li, Jodi Forlizzi, Anind Dey
This paper explores the efficacy of multi-modal cues for providing route guidance information. For elder drivers, navigation systems need to be personalized to enhance the benefit of auditory feedback without increasing the number of sensory feedbacks. For younger drivers, it is necessary to incorporate new non-visual feedback (e.g., haptic feedback) to minimize distractions caused by visual feedback.
Interactive Environment-Aware Handheld Projectors for Pervasive Computing Spaces (Paper)
David Molyneaux, Shahram Izadi, David Kim, Otmar Hilliges, Steve Hodges, Xiang Cao, Alex Butler, Hans Gellersen
We present two novel handheld projector systems which are "aware" of their environment both spatially (their pose in 3D space) and geometrically (they build a model of the world). One relies on infrastructure while the other is infrastructure-less. We highlight a series of touch and gesture interactions, and compare systems by quantifying their location tracking and input sensing capabilities.
Development Tools and Devices
.NET Gadgeteer: A Platform for Custom Devices (Paper)
Nicolas Villar, James Scott, Steve Hodges, Kerry Hammil, Colin Miller
NET Gadgeteer is a new platform conceived to make it easier to design and build custom electronic devices for a range of ubiquitous and mobile computing scenarios. This is designed to be accessible to a wide range of people with varying backgrounds and provide enough flexibility to allow experts to build relatively sophisticated devices and complex systems in less time.
Recognizing Handheld Electrical Device Usage with Hand-worn Coil of Wire (Paper)
Takuya Maekawa, Yasue Kishino, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Yasushi Sakurai
We develop a finger-ring shaped sensor device with a coil for recognizing the use of handheld electrical devices such as digital cameras, electric toothbrushes, and hair dryers by sensing magnetic fields emitted by the devices. The sensor device recognizes the use of electrical devices that are not connected to the home infrastructure without the need to equip them with sensors.
Self-Calibration of RFID Reader Probabilities in a Smart Real-Time Factory (Paper)
Bilal Hameed, Farhan Rashid, Frank Dürr, Kurt Rothermel
This paper presents a system that continuously calibrates the probabilities of RFID readers to reflect the accuracy with which these readers detect RFID tags. The concepts were studied in a Smart Real-Time Factory and evaluated using extensive simulations that mimicked the real production environment.
Indoor Location and Positioning
AWESOM: Automatic Discrete Partitioning of Indoor Spaces for WiFi Fingerprinting (Paper)
Teemu Pulkkinen, Petteri Nurmi
We propose AWESOM, a novel measure for automatically creating a discrete partitioning of the space where WiFi positioning is being deployed. AWESOM also provides a measure for evaluating the goodness of a given partitioning as well as identifying partitions where additional access points should be deployed. We demonstrate the usefulness of AWESOM using data collected from two large scale deployments.
Indoor Pedestrian Navigation Based on Hybrid Route Planning and Location Modeling (Paper)
Kari Rye Schougaard, Kaj Grønbæk, Tejs Scharling
This paper introduces methods and services called PerPosNav for development of custom indoor pedestrian navigation applications to be deployed on a variety of platforms. PerPosNav combines symbolic and geometry based modeling of buildings, and in turn combines graph-based and geometric route computation. The paper argues why these hybrid approaches are necessary to handle the challenges of in-door pedestrian navigation.
Estimating Position Relation between Two Pedestrians Using Mobile Phones (Paper)
Daisuke Kamisaka, Takafumi Watanabe, Shigeki Muramatsu, Arei Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Yokoyama
In an indoor environment such as a huge mall, sometimes the direction and distance relative to another person are more important for pedestrians than their absolute positions. We propose a simple approach to estimate such position relation, which finds the timing when two pedestrians walk together and corrects the parameters of position updates dynamically, even if absolute positions are unknown.
Social Computing and Games
Clearing a crowd: Context-supported Neighbor Positioning for People-centric Navigation (Paper)
Takamasa Higuchi, Hirozumi Yamaguchi, Teruo Higashino
This paper presents a positioning system for "people-centric" navigation that leads users to their friends in a crowd of neighbors. Our system, called PCN, provides relative positions of surrounding people based on sensor readings and Bluetooth RSS obtained via off-the-shelf mobile phones. Utilizing the feature of "group activity", it reduces the effect of sensor noise and other error-inducing factors.
Paying in Kind for Crowdsourced Work in Developing Regions (Paper)
Navkar Samdaria, Akhil Mathur, Ravin Balakrishnan
In developing regions, services like Mechanical Turk (mTurk) have been limited by the lack of adequate payment mechanisms and low visibility amongst the crowd. We present a commodity-based-model for crowdsourcing where crowd-workers get paid in-kind in the form of a commodity instead of money. Results show that the model reached workers with very different demographics from the typical mTurk workers.
Tangible and Casual NFC-enabled Mobile Games (Note)
Luis F. G. Sarmenta
We introduce the idea of NFC-enabled mobile games that are tangible (i.e., using NFC for physical interaction, not just information lookup), and casual (i.e., downloadable and playable "on impulse" using everyday NFC cards, such as transit cards, ID badges, etc., and not requiring infrastructure). We present several novel games, design patterns, implementation techniques, and results from a public beta trial.
Real-World Drag'n'Drop — Bidirectional Camera-based Media Transfer between Smartphones and Large Displays (Video)
Matthias Baldauf, Katrin Lasinger, Peter Fröhlich
We introduce a novel promising mobile interaction technique called "Real-World Drag'n'Drop" and present a fully functional prototype: Using a smartphone as a see-through device, locally or remotely stored files may be directly dragged onto a distant screen targeted through the viewfinder and vice versa.
Big Brother Knows Your Friends: on Privacy of Social Communities in Pervasive Networks (Paper)
Igor Bilogrevic, Murtuza Jadliwala, Istvan Lam, Imad Aad, Philip Ginzboorg, Valtteri Niemi, Laurent Bindschaedler, Jean-Pierre Hubaux
This work addresses the important issue of privacy in pervasive communities by experimentally evaluating the accuracy of an adversary-owned set of wireless sniffing stations in reconstructing the communities of mobile users. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that provides empirical evidence on the accuracy and feasibility of community tracking in pervasive networks.
Map-aware Position Sharing for Location Privacy in Non-trusted Systems (Paper)
Pavel Skvortsov, Frank Dürr, Kurt Rothermel
We have presented a new map-aware position sharing approach for managing obfuscated user positions on a set of untrusted location servers. Our approach includes enhanced share generation algorithms and fusion algorithms that further improve our basic position sharing approach presented earlier. Firstly, we reduced the predictability of share generation; secondly, we have taken map knowledge into account.
Sense and Sensibility in a Pervasive World (Paper)
Christos Efstratiou, Ilias Leontiadis, Marco Picone, Cecilia Mascolo, Kiran Rachuri, Jon Crowcroft
In this work we present an empirical study of the introduction of a sensor-driven social sharing application within the working environment of a research institution. Our study is based on a real deployment of a system that involves location tracking, conversation monitoring, and interaction with physical objects, and we are reporting on our findings regarding privacy and acceptability.
Public Displays and Services
From School Food to Skate Parks in a few Clicks: Using Public Displays to Bootstrap Civic Engagement of the Young (Paper)
Simo Hosio, Vassilis Kostakos, Hannu Kukka, Marko Jurmu, Jukka Riekki, Timo Ojala
This submission presents Ubinion, a service that utilizes large public interactive displays and social networking services to enable young people to give personalized feedback on municipal issues to local youth workers.
Increasing Brand Attractiveness and Sales Through Social Media Comments on Public Displays – Evidence from a Field Experiment in the Retail Industry (Paper)
Erica Dubach, Christian Hildebrand, Florian Michahelles
In a field experiment we displayed brand- and product-related facebook comments as pervasive advertising in small-space retail stores. Sales showed a slight increase, the overall brand attractiveness and innovativeness improved. Finally, results suggested to design a system that protects individual identities while still allowing friends to recognize each other on the screen for future work.
Automatic Description of Context-Altering Services Through Observational Learning (Paper)
Katharina Rasch, Fei Li, Sanjin Sehic, Rassul Ayani, Schahram Dustdar
Understanding the effect of pervasive services on user context is critical to many context-aware applications. We present a method for automatically providing detailed descriptions of pervasive services by observing and learning from the behavior of a service with respect to its environment. Our experiments show that our approach facilitates context-awareness without the need for manually added service descriptions.
.NET Gadgeteer: A Platform for Custom Devices
Nicolas Villar, James Scott, Steve Hodges, Kerry Hammil, Colin Miller
A Dependable Wearable System by Device Bypassing
Tsutomu Terada, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Masahiko Tsukamoto, Seiji Takeda, Yasue Kishino, Takayuki Suyama
A Dual Scene Camera Eye Tracker for Interaction with Public and Hand-held Displays
Jayson Turner, Andreas Bulling, Hans Gellersen
Demonstration Of A Monitoring Lamp To Visualize The Energy Consumption In Houses
Christophe Gisler, Grazia Barchi, Gérôme Bovet, Elena Mugellini, Jean Hennebert
Estimating Position Relation between Two Pedestrians Using Mobile Phones
Daisuke Kamisaka, Takafumi Watanabe, Shigeki Muramatsu, Arei Kobayashi, Hiroyuki Yokoyama
Freehand Gestural Marking Menu Selection
Gang Ren, Eamonn O'Neill
Handheld Particulate Matter Measurements with COTS Sensors
Matthias Budde, Matthias Berning, Mathias Busse, Takashi Miyaki, Michael Beigl
Here-n-Now: A Framework for Context-Aware Mobile Crowdsensing
Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Abhijat Sinha, Wanita Sherchan, Shonali Krishnaswamy, Arkady Zaslavsky, Pari Delir Haghighi, Seng Loke, Manh Thang Do
HomeOrgel: Interactive Music Box to Present Actual Home Activities with Symbolic Sounds
Maho Oki, Koji Tsukada, Kazutaka Kurihara, Itiro Siio
Interactive Environment-aware Handheld Projectors for Pervasive Computing Spaces
David Molyneaux, Shahram Izadi, David Kim, Otmar Hilliges, Steve Hodges, Xiang Cao, Alex Butler, Hans Gellersen
Live Sound-based Proximity Detection On Mobile Phones
Kamil Kloch, Benjamin Thiel, Paul Lukowicz
Mimic Sensors: Battery-shaped Sensor Node for Detecting Electrical Events of Handheld Devices
Takuya Maekawa, Yasue Kishino, Yutaka Yanagisawa, Yasushi Sakurai
Mobile Campaign Designer: A Tool for Creating Participatory Sensing Applications
Scott Heggen, Amul Adagale, Osarieme Omokaro, Jamie Payton
Paying in Kind for Crowdsourced Work in Developing Regions
Navkar Samdaria, Akhil Mathur, Ravin Balakrishnan
Pervasive Gaze-Based Interaction with Public Display using a Webcam
Yanxia Zhang, Andreas Bulling, Hans Gellersen
Real-Time Detection of Freezing of Gait for Parkinson's Disease Patients via Smartphone
Zack Zhu, Sinziana Mazilu, Michael Hardegger, Meir Plotnik, Jeff M. Hausdorff, Daniel Roggen, Gerhard Troester
RefrigeMeter: Automatic Detect/Display System for Items in the Refrigerator
Marina Mikubo, Koji Tsukada, Itiro Siio
Sensify: Multimodal Interaction in Experiential Advertising
Jan Dziekan, Long Lam, Lukasz Szostek, Piotr Wiechno, Jason Williams
Smart Blueprints: Automatically Generated Maps of Homes and the DevicesWithin Them
Jiakang Lu, Kamin Whitehouse
Tangible and Casual NFC-enabled Mobile Games
Luis F. G. Sarmenta
UBI4HEALTH: Ubiquitous System to Improve the Management of Healthcare Activities
Juan Enrique Garrido Navarro, Víctor M. R. Penichet, María D. Lozano
Zero Configuration HTTP-CoAP Proxy Implementation based on CGI
Jongsoo Jeong, Jeehoon Lee, Haeyong Kim, Gyusang Shin, Seontae Kim
A Community Enhanced Personalisation System for Digital and Physical Social Spaces
Sarah Gallacher, Eliza Papadopoulou, Fraser Blackmun, Nick K. Taylor, M. Howard Williams
A Controlled Study for Measuring Emotional Stress with a Wearable Activity Sensor
Rüdiger Zillmer, Brian Newby, Robert Treloar
Application Configuration through the use of a Meta-Data Ontology
Martin Peters, Christopher Brink, Sabine Sachweh
Automatic Generation of Personal Indoor Activity Map
Nobuhiko Nishio, Harumitsu Fujii, Takuya Azumi
Communicating With Things - An Energy Consumption Analysis
Gérôme Bovet, Jean Hennebert
Developing Mobile Systems using PalCom: A Data Collection Example
Björn A. Johnsson, Boris Magnusson
Maximizing Wireless Power Transmission Efficiency with Linear Deployment Resonator Array and Band Pass Filter Theory
Wei Wei, Takuya Miyasaka, Yoshihiro Kawahara, Tohru Asami
Nursing Work Recognition using Topic Models
Tomoko Murakami, Kentaro Torii, Naoshi Uchihira
Towards Activity-Relevant Attribution of Computer Energy Usage
Oliver Bates
Upstairs - Supporting Peripheral Awareness between Non-Colocated Spaces
Till Bovermann, René Tünnermann, Christian Leichsenring, Thomas Hermann