Thank you!
Thank you to all the organisers, volunteers and attendees involved in making Pervasive 2012 a success.
From 2013, Pervasive and UbiComp conferences will merge. The first joint conference will be UbiComp 2013, held in Zurich, Switzerland.
Pervasive 2012
Pervasive 2012, the Tenth International Conference on Pervasive Computing, will be at Newcastle University in the UK in June 2012.
This annual conference is the premier forum for researchers to present their latest results in all areas related to the architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing. Pervasive 2012 will include a highly selective program for technical papers, accompanied by late-breaking result posters, videos, demonstrations, workshops, a doctoral colloquium and other events.
Following last year's successful collaboration, Pervasive 2012 will be collocated with ISWC 2012. Newcastle will also host DIS 2012 the preceding week.
Important Dates
- October 28, 2011: Workshop proposal deadline
- November 14, 2011: Paper submission deadline
- February 14, 2012: Author notifications
- March 16, 2012: Demo/video consortium submission deadline
- March 30, 2012: Poster/doctoral consortium submission deadline
- May 04, 2012, 23:59 GMT: Early registration deadline
- June 18-19, 2012: Workshops
- June 19, 2012: Doctoral consortium
- June 20-22, 2012: Main conference