Call for Workshops

The Pervasive 2012 Workshop Organizing Committee invites proposals for the workshop program of the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing. Workshops provide a forum for people to discuss areas of special interest within pervasive computing with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops afford the participants the opportunity to examine an area with a selected focus in an open environment for the free exchange of views. The day-long workshops will be held prior to the main conference on June 18-19, 2012.

Important Workshop Dates

Workshop Organization

Pervasive workshops are dynamic and intimate forums in which to explore and discuss topics in depth. We therefore encourage having an international team of organizers for a workshop who are from different institutions and represent a variety of perspectives. We aim for a balanced workshop program offering a diverse set of themes. Because of the unique opportunity for discussion this forum offers, we encourage workshop plans that emphasize interactive components, group activities, and discussion over those that focus on individual talks.

Organizers should be active themselves in the field in which they propose a workshop. All listed organizers are expected to attend those workshops they are organizing; i.e., do not include a potential organizer who may not be present at the workshop. Any change to the workshop organization team must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to the position paper deadline for individual workshops. No changes to the workshop organization team can be made after this date to ensure that potential participants submitting position papers to workshops are aware of the final organization team.

Please feel free to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal by email with the workshop chairs prior to submission.

Proposal Submission Process

All submissions should be emailed to the workshop chairs ( no later than October 28th 2011.

For pre-proposal submission inquiries contact either of the workshop co-chairs, Fahim Kawsar and Thomas Ploetz, if you would like to discuss a workshop proposal (

We solicit workshops in all areas related to Pervasive Computing. In particular we would like to encourage workshops focused on new and emerging research directions, novel and highly innovative themes, real-world topics, system or interaction topics and interdisciplinary themes including but not limited to:

Proposal Content

Workshop Selection

Workshop proposals will be peer-reviewed by the Co-Chairs and a committee of experts based on the criteria described above. We aim to select a diverse set of workshops and avoid having multiple workshops on overlapping themes. Organizers of selected workshops will be asked to produce a Call for Papers to describe the workshop to potential participants and solicit submissions.

Workshop Support

The Pervasive 2012 conference will support the workshops in the following ways:

Workshop Chairs

Fahim Kawsar, Bell Labs, Belgium
Thomas Ploetz, Georgia Tech, USA


Microsoft Research Nokia SiDE Culture Lab
Intel WSAQualcomm Computing Community Consortium